SIT50422-Diploma of Hospitality Management
CRICOS Course Code: 112580K
This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of industry to coordinate hospitality operations.
They operate independently, have responsibility for others and make a range of operational business decisions.
This qualification provides a pathway to work in any hospitality industry sector as a departmental or small business manager. The diversity of employers includes restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. This qualification allows for multiskilling and for acquiring targeted skills in accommodation services, cookery, food and beverage and gaming.
The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
To be awarded this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:
Total number of units = 28
Target group for the course SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management will be international students who are:
• Seeking to pursue or further a career in commercial cookery.
• Seeking to enter a new industry sector.
• Seeking a pathway to higher level qualifications.
Face-to-Face as well as in the workplace
• Suite 10, Level 2,2092 Logan Road, Upper Mount Gravatt 4122, Qld
Practical Kitchen: Book to Cook -3/63 Secam Street, Mansfield 4122, Qld
This qualification is expected to be completed in 104 weeks. This will include 80 weeks of face-to-face training and assessment spread over 8 terms of 10 weeks each and 24 weeks of term breaks.
Call our office on +07 3162 2557 or email us at [email protected]
Students entering this course at VETA-Vocation Education Training Australia must meet the following entry requirements:
• Be at least 18 years of age and have completed the equivalent of Year 12.
• Participate in a course entry interview to determine suitability for the course and student needs.
• Have an IELTS* score of 6 (test results must be no more than 2 years old). English language competence can also be demonstrated through documented evidence of any of the following: o Educated for 5 years in an English-speaking country; or
• Completed at least 6 months of a Certificate IV level course in an Australian RTO; or
• Successful completion of an English Placement Test
*Note that other English language tests such as PTE and TOEFL can be accepted. Students are required to provide their results so that it can be confirmed they are equivalent to IELTS 6.
Students who complete this course may wish to continue their education in a range of diploma qualifications, such as the SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management.
Learners will be able to have their competency from prior learning and work experience recognised in this qualification through the following arrangements:
Credit Transfer
If a certificate with a statement of results or a statement of attainment is produced and verified, a credit transfer process will be initiated by VETA - Vocation Education Training Australia about the units as per the training plan.
Unit Code | Unit Title | Core or Elective |
SITXCCS015 | Enhance customer service experiences | Core |
SITXCCS016 | Develop and manage quality customer service practices | Core |
SITXCOM010 | Manage conflict | Core |
SITXFIN009 | Manage finances within a budget | Core |
SITXFIN010 | Prepare and monitor budgets | Core |
SITXGLC002 | Identify and manage legal risks and comply with law | Core |
SITXHRM008 | Roster staff | Core |
SITXHRM009 | Lead and manage people | Core |
SITXMGT004 | Monitor work operations | Core |
SITXMGT005 | Establish and conduct business relationships | Core |
SITXWHS007 | Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Core |
SITXFSA005 | Use hygienic practices for food safety | Elective |
SITHIND006 | Source and use information on the hospitality industry | Elective |
SITXFIN008 | Interpret financial information | Elective |
SITHCCC023* | Use food preparation equipment | Elective |
SITHCCC027* | Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery | Elective |
SITHCCC028* | Prepare appetisers and salads | Elective |
SITHCCC030* | Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes | Elective |
SITHCCC035* | Prepare poultry dishes | Elective |
SITHCCC027* | Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery | Elective |
SITHCCC036* | Prepare meat dishes | Elective |
SITHCCC037* | Prepare seafood dishes | Elective |
SITHCCC041* | Produce cakes, pastries and breads | Elective |
SITXCCS012 | Provide lost and found services | Elective |
BSBSUS511 | Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | Elective |
SITXHRM010 | Recruit, select and induct staff | Elective |
SITHCCC043* | Work effectively as a cook | Elective |
SITHIND008 | Work effectively in hospitality service | Elective |
Call our office on +07316 22557 or email us at [email protected]